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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Can Cigarette Company Legally or Morally be Accepted?

In Indonesia, cigarette company can develop so fast with short period of time. This is because the habit of smoking has become Indonesians new lifestyles. Furthermore, people believed that smoking is the symbol of maturity and gentleness, which makes the active smokers even harder to avoid smoking and keep buying the cigarettes. For this reason, the company produces cigarettes with uncountable quantities.

The smoking habit has spread widely to the whole area of Indonesia from the most west city, Sabang until the most east city, Merauke. This horrible habit has become the most similar aspect in Indonesians’ lives activities and culture, beside Bahasa Indonesia and our national flag Bendera Merah Putih as stated in Sumpah Pemuda. The fact that there are still some tribes who unable to speak Bahasa Indonesia properly, makes a conclusion that smoking has united the differences.

Smoking not only influenced the adult but also the teenagers or even children. Since, buying cigarettes without any minimum age required is allowed in Indonesia. Lacking information about the danger of smoking cigarettes has developed the addiction of smoking even greater. However, in some peculiar cases the smokers who have had adequate education about smoking, still did not reconsider about the diseases that may attack their health.

The cigarette company has make impressive impressions not only to society but also to the government. Government should has relieved to know that cigarette company has fulfilled the need of thousands of unemployed people, which can decrease country’s financial and economic problems. This reason has proved that the productive of cigarette company is legal.

Government should have made some more regulations about the minimum age required to consume cigarettes to minimize the disease encounter the youngsters. Besides, the production of cigarettes should has limits, so the company will not get fortune for granted of taking others lives, including the innocent passive smokers.

In my opinion, cigarette company is legal as it is not against the law and even helping the country in economic sector. However, we cannot easily accept the cigarette company who producing cigarette without any supervision on quantities of products. If the cigarette company want the admiration from al people, it should be not only legally but also morally accepted.

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